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Peru + 1 more

Peru Situation Report - October 2020



The Ministry of Women and Vulnerable Populations (MIMP) received over 200,000 calls between January and October 2020, with over 170,000 taking place during the COVID-19 emergency. This included calls with survivors of gender-based violence (GBV). Between May and September 2020, the MIMP reported receiving almost three times more calls compared to the same period in 2019. October 2020 saw a decrease in calls from almost 25,000 in September to some 19,000. Almost 80 per cent of the survivors of violence have been women and girls, over 50 percent of the cases took place in Lima , and 20 per cent have been assisted through the Centros de Emergencia Mujer (CEM).

On 22 October the Ministry of Interior published Decree 010-2020-IN approving special, exceptional and temporary measures to regularize foreigners whose stay permit has expired or who entered the country irregularly. The GTRM will follow up on determining which travel documents refugees and migrants from Venezuela will be able to use in order to apply and obtain the New Temporary Residency Permit. While this new permit will grant a regular stay for a year and the right to work legally, it cannot be renewed, and the holder will need to apply to a different permit (calidad migratoria) before it expires. 2 This new measure is only available for people arriving prior to 22 October 2020 and if interested, aside from people in an irregular situation, it does not require asylum-seekers to withdraw from their asylum applications: both procedures are not mutually exclusive.

Relevant government authorities have appealed donors to support an initiative to provide a humanitarian residency to the almost 500,000 asylum-seekers in Peru. Through the cooperation of the Superintendence of Migration and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, this initiative would provide its applicants with identity cards.